CFP: Poster Session at AMS 2025
Call for Presentations: Music and Media Poster Session (Joint AMS/SMT)
The AMS Music and Media Study Group and the SMT Film and Multimedia Interest Group invites members of both societies to submit a proposal for a joint poster session to be held at the 2025 AMS/SMT Conference in Minneapolis. The proposals may be on any topic related to the intersection of music and media. Early career scholars, independent scholars, and scholars in the early stages of their research are particularly encouraged to participate.
Your proposal should include the title of your poster, a brief summary of your argument/what the poster will show, a brief description of expected graphics, and a short (3-5 item) bibliography. The body of your proposal (not including the bibliography) should be no longer than 300 words. The proposal should be sent as a Word or PDF attachment via email to [email protected].
In the email, include your name, contact information, and title of your poster. DO NOT include any identifying information in the attachment, as that will disqualify you from consideration.
For more information on creating a poster, we recommend reading the page on presenting a poster session at SMT (…/presenting-a-poster). Please note that we will NOT have the facilities available for digital posters, and that you will need to bring any necessary audio equipment (e.g., headphones, etc.)
All proposals are due by 11:59 PM PST, February 10, 2025. Acceptances will go out in early March. Please contact [email protected] with any questions.